Chanukah Gifts

As you may remember from my post last year, N and I have a tradition. I give him one gift for each of the 8 days of Chanukah. (This year, things were a little different due to our recent loss. When in mourning, Orthodox Jews may not give or receive gifts. The mourning period lasts for 30 days and is over on Friday. So I will be giving him double gifts for the second half of Chanukah.)

  • Night #1 – Luggage Tag and Bottle Opener

The luggage tag is for our upcoming trip and the bottle opener is fun and Star Wars themed.

  • Night #2 – Souve Vide Container

N had purchased a Sous Vide machine years ago. We love it and have been using a big pot for it, which is quite awkward and annoying. These containers are the most recommended way to cook with a Sous Vide, so I hope that this make it much more pleasant.

  • Night #3 – Sous Vide Cover


The best way to Sous Vide successfully is to cover the container so that not too much water evaporates.

  • Night #4 – Tiny Epic Quest

We own and enjoy a couple of the other games in the Tiny Epic series. This is the newest in the series.

  • Night #5 – Calendarscreen-shot-2017-01-01-at-7-33-19-pm


This one has become an annual gift. I make a calendar from Shutterfly for N every year, combining pictures of his family, my family and us, in the calendar are all of the family birthdays, anniversaries and Jewish holidays. All birthdays and anniversaries are accompanied by pictures of the family member.

  • Night #6 – T-Shirt


N has loved Ready Player One since it came out. The book is fantastic and now that the movie is coming out, more and more Ready Player One merchandise is available.

  • Night #7 – Firefly Fluxx


N and I are huge fans of Firefly, and I heard that this game is fun.

  • Night #8 – T-Shirt


I couldn’t resist this fantastic Firefly t-shirt.

  • Day #9 – Tardis Keychain

I purchased one of these years ago for N. It broke sadly, so I purchased this highly rated one and hope that it doesn’t break like the first one did.