Fuel: Pre, During, and Post

Fuel is a huge topic for runners. To run as far as we want, as long as we want, we need to ensure our bodies have enough energy to keep going. The right fuel can make the difference between a flagging runner who collapses after the run if they can finish at all, to one who finishes strongly and feels minimal to no energy lag.

Of course, the topic is rife with varied opinions and ideas, many, many different ones. It is also extremely subjective so what works fine for N may not work well or at all for me. However, there are commonly followed guidelines.

Pre run

Pick a fuel that is:

High in: Carbs, Vitamins

Low in: Fat, Fiber

Common ideas: English muffins with nut butters, bananas, oatmeal

N and I are still trying to find a pre run fuel that works for us, we have tried English muffins with peanut butter which worked for N and not for me, and English muffins with eggs and cheese and with egg whites only, which basically worked but was not great.

After much experimenting we landed on a winning idea for both N and me! Frozen Pancakes. I know, that doesn’t sound like a great pre run food. But when we read it as a suggested pre run food in Runner’s World Magazine, we had to give it a try.

We found it to be reliable, quick and easy to make, easy to eat, as well as tasty and filling. Storing the pancakes is easy when at home and since frozen pancakes are sold at almost any supermarket, it’s easy to get wherever your race is. Just add a dap of syrup and a glass of milk and you have an excellent pre race meal.

During run

Pick a fuel that is:

High in: Sugar, Vitamins, Carbs

Low in: Fat, Fiber

Common ideas: Energy Gels, Gus, Waffles, Energy bites

N and I usually use Gus and waffles. We hope to start trying energy bites (homemade) and other new ideas.

Sadly we have not had the opportunity to make or try any new ideas. But the good news is that waffles and Gus work great for us. So for now we highly recommend stocking up on some for your next race.

Post run

Pick a fuel that is:

High in: Protein, Fiber

Low in: Fat

Common ideas: Bananas, Chocolate milk, Energy Bars.

N and I  keep this one simple. We eat an energy bar and drink a chocolate milk and for a longer run throw in a banana as well. The longer the run, the more important it becomes to remember to eat after a run and to be sure to eat well. There are many great options for post race fuel. The important thing is to always have the fuel and not skip it!